He’s gone full Beck.
same with rush, says cruz not cheating since he developed the plan to go after the degates this cunning way when he would be the only out sider before Trump got into the race and it would be the only way to perhaps stop the establishment from winning on the first ballot....dub....well mr cruz don’t you realize that you aren’t the only outsider now dud and that you are hurting the leading out sider, the one against the so called establishment you hate...are you stupid cruz...are you more stupid rush to use the stupid sh!t on us rush in defense of cruz trying to blow up TRUMP to benefit you crony establishment boys...rush...you should retire after selling your sole over this one ...you are a sellout....it is over!!!!
Exactly. The only difference between Beck and Levin these days is whether the whacko rants have a religious overtone or not.