I don’t believe it is fear of the IRS stopping them, but that either they don’t entirely believe the Bible, or believe their congregations and Christians overall in America won’t accept its teachings, or both.
“If Christians had 1/10th the political commitment that homosexuals have shown in pursuit of their agenda there wouldn’t be an elected official outside a few small liberal bastions that would dare say a word against Biblical morality.”
Amen. And that leads to the question, why don’t Christians have that?
Like most Americans they're getting their moral guidance from the television they watch for hours every day, not the pastor/minister/priest they hear an hour or two a week.
And that weekly respite only applies to the most dedicated Christians who go to church every week.
Meanwhile the television is using every propaganda trick in the book to undermine faith, particularly in regard to traditional teaching on love and marriage.
Is it any wonder that Hollywood values begin to displace Christian morality? Worst of all, the Christian community isn't being coerced, they're being seduced. Most even allow their children to watch this garbage.
Actually, there's something even worse than that. Most Americans are paying to have their culture attacked. If you haven't done it already cancel your cable today.