Agree. He is mathematically eliminaTed so after the 5 state beatdown Tuesday and a week reminder voters that Ted is trying to “deny the will of the voters”, he will sink further. Also, I believe CA will be a bloodbath for Ted.
The five states (RI, CT, PA, DE, MD) voting Tuesday night look to be complete blowouts for Trump - double digit margins in all five states and 80-90% of available delegates. This will put Trump 400+ delegates ahead of Cruz heading into IN and on a glide path to achieve the 1237 first ballot delegates needed.
Reality is settling in for the Cruz camp and the results on May 3 in IN should reflect that in the voting as more people start jumping on the Trump bandwagon.
Also, I believe CA will be a bloodbath for Ted.
The last poll Trump was up 27 points over Cruz. If these numbers hold or grow for Trump in California we are talking New York wipe out possibly giving Trump all 172 delegates in California.