The phrase, “All Men are Created Equal”, emanates from the Declaration of Independence not the US Constitution, and was written largely by Jefferson, who while a great man, wrote a political, not a governing document.
A core Conservative Principle, derived from of the ageless wisdom of the Natural Law, asserts that difference and variety are the drivers of creativity and innovation which are the critical attributes necessary for the ongoing development and growth of culture/society. As such equality and sameness, products of an egalitarian nostrum; another pernicious secular heresy from the French; is rejected.
All men, never were nor ever will be, equal. The unique greatness of Pericles, Aristotle, Julius Caesar, Cicero, Shakespeare, Galileo, Michelangelo, Mozart; among thousands,
is mute testament to that reality.
In the eyes of the Creator, all men are indeed created equal. It is not equality in the physical or intellectual sense, but the moral sense, in that we all have equal standing to determine what is right for ourselves, and that any just system of law will treat all men equally.