“I guarantee that Ive seen everything you have and at least ten times more.”
You have seen ten times more? How do know that? We are both from large cities. I have heard all the arguments and studies. You use data from other countries; different societies and different morals.
“I havent had so much as a bottle of aspirin in my medicine-less cabinet in my entire adult life”
That tells me one thing. There is no way you could have seen first hand what you say you have. You’re exaggerating for sure. You sound like a drive-by intellectual.
I agree with you completely. I spent 25 years working as a firefighter in a crime ridden area. I cannot tell you how many lives that I saw ruined and even ended by illegal drug and alcohol usage. Those like thoughtomator make arguments based on some type of imaginary view of the world that they choose to live their lives in. I enjoy watching Stossel, but he obviously has little experience with this blight on society as well.