I have no idea if they have seen any of those millions, but they sure act like it.
I haven't listened to Levin or Beck in some time, but I always kept up with Rush. Limbaugh has dropped all pretense and has mocked us all in the last week. This so called leader of the grass roots conservative movement has sent his foot soldiers to the brig. Excoriating and ridiculing the Tea Party movement instead to favor the establishment republicans who pad their pockets and feather their nests.
Donald J Trump, by self financing his own campaign, has essentially taken money out of politics and thus has shined the light on the miscreants, the takers and the politically fortunate enough to set up camp within the establishment.
Eyes wide open...
I love your "eyes wide open." If anything could depict this cycle it is voters had their eyes opened to what politics and politicians are all about. I read someone the other day say saying Trump had carried out a hostile takeover of the Republican party, and I couldn't agree more. And I don't think any party deserves it more.
Always remember, we have that old fashioned "we the people" thing going for us.
The world isn't half as crazy as the "ink spillers" tell us it is.