What an ill-informed claim against Ted Cruz.
In no way has Cruz ever advocated federal control over this issue.
Ted Cruz has spoken in support of North Carolina, a state exercising its rights.
Ted Cruz has never said states could not have laws mandating such atrocities as LGBTs are demanding. He knows full well they can. Just like they can legislate for gay marriage and he will not deny that right. He believes such issues are constitutionally left to the states, not the feds.
He has been very clear.
Only question I have, do you not know this or, are you purposefully steering people wrong?
[Only question I have, do you not know this or, are you purposefully steering people wrong?]
Good question.
Trump has taken a states rights position. Cruz blasted him for it this morning. Cruz is a nutcase whose psychosis becomes more evident as the campaign gets dragged into his godhead complex. I believe God has indeed prolonged this campaign for the purpose of exposing Cruz.