To: xzins
This morning in a town hall meeting he was asked about the R platform that is pro life even in the case of incest and rape. For over 30 years that has been the R platform.
This morning The Donald said it should be changed to make an exception for the life of the mother.
30 posted on
04/21/2016 7:01:19 AM PDT by
(America, What difference does it make?)
To: thirst4truth
which is a gaping chasm of keeping abortion as a form of birth control. IOW, not a damn thing will change.
To: thirst4truth
"This morning The Donald said it should be changed to make an exception for the life of the mother."The GOP position has always made an exception for the LIFE of the mother. What's controversial is the Democrat position on the HEALTH of the mother. That, of course, includes mental health, which includes anything.
695 posted on
04/21/2016 10:06:56 AM PDT by
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