He needs to pack it up soon, before he destroys his own political career.
His "political career" ends in 2018.
Texans will remember their sitting Senator omitted any mention of his being Canadian in 2012.
What's that old saying about a "Lie of Omission?"
Cruz's campaign team has been completely infiltrated by GOP insiders. They are not through using him yet. The GOP leadership still need Cruz for leverage on Trump. They couldn't care less that Cruz's credibility is being destroyed and his chance to even win reelection to the Senate is now in question. During this election season we have seen the perception of Cruz's trustworthiness drop to levels worse than Hillary's. It is sad.
Oh but Ted is the annointed one. He will become this generation’s Harold Stassen
IMO, he's already crossed that bridge and entered into purposeful destruction and scorched earth. If I can't have it, no Republican can have it. I was a Cruz supporter from day 1 but turned yesterday when, having been mathematically eliminated, he declared he would fight all the way to the convention, virtually assuring victory for Hillary (assuming she avoids indictment.)