Now, as a wholly political strategy, the smart thing for both The Donald and Ted Cruz to do, would be to bury their differences, agree that The Donald is the top of the ticket and Cruz is the VP, and present this to the delegates at the convention, immediately after the first ballot, or before the first ballot, and any other names are introduced to the nominations.
Bigger differences than this were split to produce the “fusion” ticket of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush in 1980. Reagan’s “supply side” economic program was called “voodoo economics” by Bush.
Which pretty much passed for “name-calling” back then.
There was a time when I wanted Cruz as VP, but that ship has sailed. He has shown his true colors, and they aren’t pretty. He’s a liar, fake and fraud, and not to be trusted. He needs to stay as far away from the WH as possible - he’s bad for this country.