The Trump fans here cannot accept that reality.
They really think Trump will ‘take it to Hillary.’
That is a joke. Trump just thinks he knows dirty tricks from his business dealings
He ain’t seen nothin’ like Clinton dirty tricks and Trump has so much baggage besides most people disliking him.
I really hope we can ‘steal’ the nomination from him and have a chance to win.
There is no chance for Cruz to win against Hillary, and when he loses to her his career will be over since he will always have the stigma of the one who lost to a corrupt Clinton, and divided the party and got less votes but still the nomination.
You can cite rules all you want, but enough voters will see the system as unfair and unrepresentative so they will not vote for Cruz. He is a garuntee lose for us. At least with Trump, he has defied all the odds against him so far, and at least there’s a chance.
How does anyone expect Cruz to win when his poll numbers are tanking anyway and can’t win any swing states? Even if he wins every state Romney did, he still loses!