Wrong. Ted Cruz is not being indicted or tried in a court of law, most people don't have time to fully dig into the hidden facts of his schemes - after all that's what makes him such a good delegate poacher - stealth and cleverness - doing things behind closed doors. It would take twenty years to unwind whatever deals he's already made with the enemy.
His campaign will do anything to win including injure that for which he claims to stand, and he'll aid that which he claims is his enemy.
What he loves is his ambition, and that's all that he loves ... said so himself as a young man.
I'll be voting for Donald Trump in November.
Cruz himself said he will take money from anyone not too principled. How much would he take from Soros? Coker and TPA. Conservative and Christian when efficient to get what he wants.
The enemy would that be...?
BTW, if Trump wins the nomination, I will be voting for him as well, can you say the same thing about Cruz ?