It’s not whining. It’s whistle blowing.
The issue wasn't what happened in March 2016 when delegates were selected. All they did in March 2016 was follow the rules. The problem was what happened in August 2015 when the rules were changed. "Whistle-blowing" would have been complaining about the change in rules sometime between August and March.
But we heard absolutely nothing about this prior from Trump's campaign prior to the March 1 caucuses. Instead, we only heard complaints after the process was already underway. That suggest to me that Trump's people simply were not paying attention, and are now trying to deflect the blame for that.
Why is it that Cruz' people showed up at the caucuses and Trump's didn't? Why did they have organized delegate sheets and Trump's people didn't? Why did Cruz head to Colorado but Trump didn't? <>I don't think it's a good system either<./b>, but there's really no claim that anyone broke the rules. It's just that one campaign paid attention and kept its supporters informed, and one campaign didn't.
Really, this whole Colorado thing has been blown wildly out of proportion. There are a lot of states that don't have a primary election, but just have caucuses instead. We've all seen that this whole campaign. Coloradans did get to vote. They voted at caucuses to elect delegates, and those elected delegates late met to elect other delegates, etc.. That's basic representative democracy, and Trump complaining that "nobody got to vote" is just not true.