I’m assuming you agree with the post since you didn’t indicate otherwise. Entirely your right.
I’m voting for who will fix Washington.
That’s Trump.
I agree with the truth. I’d much rather have had a campaign in which the issues were discussed on a daily basis, but I guess we can’t. Instead we get this stuff. But if it’s good for the goose, it’s good for the gander.
Thats Trump.
Trump won't be able to "fix" Washington. The States are going to have to do that.
A strong President who's on their side would help but as it stands Trump says he doesn't even trust the states to take care of public land.
“Im voting for who will fix Washington.”
Or not. How the hell do you know?
I would be voting for a guy who worships one thing that always makes America great - US Constitution. There is no effing difference between humans on this planet, be it Zimbabwe or California - except for the US Constitution. There is not a shred of evidence that he will do anything that is unconstitutional. Good enough for me.
>> Im voting for who will fix Washington <<
By building more hotels and casinos?