You really think Trump is stupid enough to personally short change the Vet charity? Did he need the 3 million and that was the only way he could get it?
Good grief Nathan even you can't believe that.
In general I feel if you want charitable donations to really matter then distribute it yourself because I believe all major charities are corrupt to the core.
When Maxwell Taylor retired after WW II he accepted the directorship of the Red Cross at an annual salary of $1,000,000.00. A princely sum considering the salary of President Truman was a measly $25,00.00 a year. At that moment I concluded that I would never donate anything to any major charity. But feel free to support CGI if you feel the need.
Trump's history of being accused of outright fraud and sharp dealings entitles him to no deference in this matter and screams out for an accounting.
In any event, these questions are certainly relevant in judging a candidate one of whose planks is that he will clean up the Veterans Administration. If he cannot manage one simple event why are we then to believe that he can reform and manage the vast veterans administration?