He’s fooled people with his one “hot button” issue.
How is supporting industry wide taxpayer funded bailouts conservative?
How is raising taxes and contemplating taxing actual savings balances above a certain threshold conservative?
How is using eminent domain for private interests conservative?
How is nationalizing the banking industry conservative?
How is expanding nationalized healthcare conservative?
How is using Big Government to solve “the problems of the masses” conservative?
Trump is a hypocrite at best and an outright liar at worst on every single issue that Conservatives claim to hold dear as core principles. Yet many here and roughly 30% nationwide have fallen for his snake-oil, same old same old big government, Federally mandated, do as I say not as I do solutions. Everyone here blasted John Kerry in 2004 as a flip-flopper, but Trump makes Kerry look like a rank amateur!
How is supporting TPP Conservative?
How is the corker bill conservative?
how is the establishment conservative?
What is conservative anymore anyways? I mean, Obama gets everything he wants from these so-called conservatives, even 2 trillion in NEW spending!
Cruz is the biggest liar and hypocrite running