That is really the $64,000 question, nikos.
The only answer that makes sense is that Cruz was the insider’s point person to corral the conservative vote, and he, like Obama, was a political construct, in order to do so.
Cruz drafted behind Trump, hiding like a chameleoon, until he could get far enough along to attack on his own.
Then the mask came off.
Now, it has become indisputable that Cruz was an insider all along, as the GOP-E has come alongside him, not to support Cruz, but to eliminate Trump.
That Cruz would allow this for even one second shows what a sellout he is, and always has been.
He is so ambitious that he actually thinks he will outwit the GOP-E at their own game at the convention.
He is fundamentally dishonest, as a supposed expert in the Constitution should know if he is eligible or not for the office he seeks. If he will be dishonest about that fundamental thing, he will be dishonest in many other things.
And that has already proven true.
For anyone who had a doubt, the piling on by Cruz of Trump about the Chicago rally, showed how little regard he has for anyone else or their Constitutional rights.
At least the evangelical South saw through this Elmer Gantry.
Cruz does not care about joining the Karl Rove eggheads if they can assist him in becoming President.
This is all about him, not about America.
With Trump, at 70 years old and nothing left to prove to anyone on the planet, this is about America and not Trump.
Very well put!
Cruz may think he is the smartest person in the room but I am willing to bet that Trump and Manafort are going to bitch slap him; he won’t know what hit him!!! Trump IS a VERY smart man don’t think he understood the whole political process that’s not being stupid it is WHAT WE WANT!!! He gets it NOW and Katie bar the door!!! Manafort and Trump are two WILD pit bulls and Cruz WILL get his ass handed to him!!!!