Trump's got a massive tax cut plan, and the only thing he commits to cutting is spending is waste fraud and abuse.
Sounds like the GWB plan.
Don't forget all those jobs coming back after he makes all those phone calls. They will boost tax revenue so much it will be balanced in 7 years.
I was too quick in my comment.
Trump is not just balancing the budget in 8 years, he is eliminating the entire national debt in 8 years.
That’s more than $19 trillion in 8 years.
Over 2 trillion a year.
Has Cruz promised us anything as great as this??
Maybe his secret plan is to put the US treasury in debt consolidation, to stiff the US debt holders just like deadbeat credit card holders stiff the credit card banks of most of their debt (and pay 20% interest on their car loans)
Hey, POTUS Trump will be screwing those no good Chi-coms out of the money they loaned us. We hate them anyway. They stole our jobs.
What could go wrong??
According to Trump's tax plan, any family with an income of $50,000 or less pays no income taxes. Assuming that the overwhelming majority of the new jobs will pay less than $50K then where will all this new tax revenue come from?