>>Because govt. regulation and unions have made employing people a gigantic and costly pain.
11.1% of the labor force are represented by unions. In more than half of the country, the unions have very little bargaining power and really don’t pay much more than non-union jobs. The old “unions are driving jobs overseas” cliche is worn out. It was true 30 years ago to some extent (but we didn’t have so many ways to outsource back then).
Government regulation does add to the costs of doing business, but they add to every facet of doing business. And in foreign countries, there are certain costs associated with dealing with the governments too.
No, another poster was correct: they told us that if we let the rich get REALLY rich, then the wealth will trickle down to us. It did for a while, so the rich came up with new strategies. We call it the Cheap Labor Express.
1) Outsource manufacturing
2) Import cheap foreign labor for service jobs
3) Import/outsource tech labor
4) Devalue labor until Americans will work for foreign wages and voluntarily lower their standard of living.
5) If that doesn’t work, invent an environmental crisis to demand a lower standard of living for those who are laregly unaffected by #1-4.
I don’t care if the rich are rich. But a person really needs to bury their head in...ummm...the sand to not see what is happening here.
Not at all. If I'm misguided tell me how. I want to know the truth.
And they even import foreign labor, which, per hour, often costs the same or more. BUT they are contract labor, so no benefits, limited time-of-engagement, etc.
Might add that one to your excellent list.
At this point, we are merely shuffling the chairs on the Titanic.
But I still want DT at the helm rather than Hillary when this thing goes down. And it may even before then.
Add 6&7: Implement socialism and an oligarchical U.S. Government controlled by the very agreeable political parties.
Socialism means that those (families) who are already rich will remain rich in perpetuity - it introduces sclerosis into society. This is why so many of the very wealthy in business are socialists. It is protection in perpetuity. If you are born a peasant, you will remain for life a peasant. If you are born in wealth and privilege, you and your offspring will retain that status forever under socialism. Socialism takes away any opportunity for competition.
And the oligarchy is what we see in this election. A closed club where entry is closely regulated and requires that you can not be independent in any way. You must be good and well bought, beholden to those who pay your political bills and make you rich and give you status. Good little political whores only please. And the oligarchy will govern and destroy with impunity anyone who dares try to upset their system.