boy when’s the last time you ever heard someone being called NOT conservative because they were TOO restrictive on abortions?
Since Saint Ted of Calgary
No kidding. It’s clear that some so-called conservatives are willing to criticize Trump for being too anti abortion. What does that say about them?
boy whens the last time you ever heard someone being called NOT conservative because they were TOO restrictive on abortions?
It is amazing isn’t. Win at all costs Ted Cruz and deluded Cruzy followers have single handedly redefined “principled conservatism”.
Tell me about it, this election cycle has been complete BizarroLand.
We're finding out "real conservatives" support women having the right to abort with impunity, regardless of whether it's legal or not. The Republican Party is on course to nominate a reality TV star who just recently warmed to conservatism, has been a donor to major Dems for years, and is close friends with Howard Freaking Stern (a radio jock whose favorite on-air subjects are anal sex and lesbian twins). The main Holy Roller candidate this year, Cruz, is possibly in the process of being exposed as a serial adulterer who's into "sapiosexuals." The Repup establishment is desperately trying to find a way to steal the nomination from the guy who got the most delegates and votes in the primaries, even as the party's base electorate is in near full revolt.
I mean, should I go on? Interesting times.