To: Enlightened1
Concocted Scandal is now a 150 hours old, and NADA Proven. Once and for all,..... Put up or ....... Because the boomarang effect is already in play.
Stone and Pecker better be covering their tracks.
4 posted on
03/31/2016 5:27:30 AM PDT by
(I display the Confederate Battle Flag with pride in honor of my brave ancestors who fought w/ valor)
To: catfish1957
Lol...what are you yammering about now?
6 posted on
03/31/2016 5:31:09 AM PDT by
(aide toi et dieu t'aidera)
To: catfish1957
815 names, addresses and Social Security numbers of Verizon Wireless customers.
That’s an awful lot of information - information no “John” in his right mind would indulge - to ANYONE.
Concocted Scandal indeed...
8 posted on
03/31/2016 5:34:18 AM PDT by
To: catfish1957
Concocted Scandal is now a 150 hours old, and NADA Proven. Once and for all,..... Put up or ....... Because the boomarang effect is already in play.
The Clinton defense part 2
44 posted on
03/31/2016 8:59:26 AM PDT by
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