I cannot imagine a reasonable person's deciding to vote for Hillary Clinton because Donald Trump is a putz. However, I can imagine a reasonable person's not bothering to vote because she dislikes both candidates. This will hurt down-ticket Republican candidates (and she'll wish she'd voted on County Commissioners when the water rates double).
Maybe there are a lot of voters like me out there: if they polled me, I would say I have a negative view of Trump. However, I will vote for him if he's the Republican nominee, out of hatred for Hillary.
I don’t think simply not liking a candidate is a good enough reason not to vote, that is not reasonable when an election is as important as this one is.
>>Maybe there are a lot of voters like me out there: if they polled me, I would say I have a negative view of Trump. However, I will vote for him if he’s the Republican nominee, out of hatred for Hillary.<<
When you vote for someone to be President of the U.S., you’re explicitly stating that you want that person to be your leader. There is no way in hell I would express that wish, whether my choice be Hillary, Trump, or for that matter, Bernie.
If a third party option doesn’t present itself, I’ll vote down ballot and leave the top line blank. I will not put myself in the position of having to admit to my children and grandchildren that I once seriously considered Donald Trump as a potential leader of the free world.
Now, Rush Limbaugh has more or less stated that such a position disqualifies those of us who think as I do from commenting on the race. Nonsense. Just because he and millions of Trump followers, and Coulter as well, have decided they can stomach an oaf like Trump as their leader is no reason for the rest of us to bow to their wishes.
What Trump’s followers need to realize is that for most of them (outside the FR world anyway) Cruz is an acceptable alternative whereas for most non-Trump voters, Trump is not an acceptable alternative. Common sense would then dictate that Cruz is the more electable candidate, and I’ll leave it at that, except for saying that Cruz was hardly my first choice, but I’m willing to accept him as President. As for Trump; no.
Anybody looking for happiness in politics is a child.
Politics is war, and war is ugly. And the winners of wars are not the pretty ones. We can vote for Mitt's status quo grinning white teeth, Bernie's skittles and rainbows and starvation, Cruz's globalist totalitarianism, Hillary's Auschwitz dreams, or for Trump to grease the treads of our tanks with the guts of our enemies ala' Patton.
That's it. Heaven is for the next life, not this one.