Let me say this - my ex had affairs while we were married. I got calls from them and they told me things about me that only he knew. SO, yeah, there is such a thing as pillow talk. You sound very naive.
Yea, I’ll get back to you when I give a hoot about how I sound to you. Don’t hold your breath or anything.
That your husband’s multiple lovers outside the marriage bed were whispering in your ear what he whispered into theirs is pretty reflective of a man who takes lovers in order to wound his wife. No one deserves that - well, assuming you were not also cheating on him or just being a nagging harpy. If I’m trying to keep my affairs under wraps, I’m not going to give my lovers any ammunition to use against me later.
The story Sally tells about the abortions certainly made Bill a somewhat sympathetic figure, and my sense is that he knew exactly what the outcome of that sympathy would be. Master manipulator. Or as Baltimore’s 98 Rock radio bit back in the day stated: Lie like a guy.
Sounds like you have had some experience in cheating.