It's all being done by the MSM and Social media. I'll give you two examples of how they keep hammering it down our throats which was on just last night. On Bates Motel they had Norma Bates making out with a stripper who was actually the somewhat gender confused NormaN Bates flipping back and forth between personalities. On The Family, the daughter of the mayor, walked into a bar and got into a heated discussion with another character who they had already alluded to the fact she was lesbian in an earlier scene during conversation. Of course they made her character look attractive, intelligent and quirky. While these gals are shooting jabs back nd forth between each other the lesbian says something to the effect, "well there is one thing I know about you", then moves in close and kisses her for what seems 30 secs implying she knows the daughter is lesbian too. And then of course half the shows on TV have effeminate men or stupid male role models who are dumb as rocks so is it a wonder why children who might see this on TV daily think this is normal behavior? My daughter-in-law restricts TV viewing to one room where she is present nd monitors what they can or can't watch. To date none of her children (my grand-children) has exhibited any signs of gayness and has shown interest only in the opposite sex. So what comes into young eyes and ears does matter!
It’s all going according to the Democrat plan. The more confused the masses are, the more votes the Democrats get.