He’s an interesting guy. Youtube him, you’ll enjoy watching him enrage the left. As he is gay he can get away with saying things others cannot. He’s actually said he wishes he weren’t gay, wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
That said, he’s a self-described “provocateur”, making liberal heads explode everywhere...it’s great.
***That said, hes a self-described provocateur, making liberal heads explode everywhere...its great.***
I watched 4 or 5 videos with him and David Rubin and I liked that he is honest about how the left has censored everyone else systematically. One thing I noticed is that he tends to blame the 2008 economic crash on bankers in the videos that I saw.
If he doesn’t believe that the 2008 crash was primarily engineered by leftist politicians in collusion with said bankers, then he may have some more research to do.
I watched his closing argument, and while it was convincing in its delivery, if he thinks that he can identify with people like me and all the while endorse Trump because he portrays Trump as an antidote to the “cultural left” and that I will automatically follow that line of reasoning...he thinks very highly of his persuasive skills.
That being said he makes so many very valid, up to date and cogent points that are burning through the hearts of people of many age ranges in this country.