She wrote the dissenting viewpoint. In other words, she opposes the policy.
Your’re posting to robots...but, I think you know that.
If you can politely give me a link or article where she wrote the dissenting opinion. After reading everything I could find on this I only see that she endorsed the paper and wrote an addendum which did not mention our nation as sovereign. Thanks
I support the Task Force report and its recommendations aimed at building a safer and more prosperous North America. Economic prosperity and a world safe from terrorism and other security threats are no doubt inextricably linked. While governments play an invaluable role in both regards, we must emphasize the imperative that economic investment be led and perpetuated by the private sector. There is no force proven like the market for aligning incentives, sourcing capital, and producing results like financial markets and profit-making businesses. This is simply necessary to sustain a higher living standard for the poorest among ustruly the measure of our success. As such, investment funds and financing mechanisms should be deemed attractive instruments by those committing the capital and should only be developed in conjunction with market participants. Heidi S. Cruz