One more thing. This poll is about as reliable as WSJ/NBC polls have been. Megyn Kelly is probably behind it.
In reality, Im thinking Trump has close to 775 delegates already.
If Trump wins Wisconsin its over. Lots of libs there, Rinse Prius and Gov. Walker dont want Trump, its going to be interesting if they want to tick him off and risk their own future in the party. They are both relatively young and have a lot to lose if Trump becomes President.
If anyone but Cruz wins another 180 delegates , its over for the Math for Cruz.
So I am thinking this ends for Cruz for sure on Apr. 26 when Trump favorable states CT, DE, MD, PA, RI equals 172 delegates up for grabs. Plus NYs 95 is a total of 267 so if Silver is right and Trump wins 200 of them Trump is at 975 or better.
At that point there will be 504 plus the Wisconsin delegates to get and a lot of them are Trump leaning. When Cruz can no longer win on first ballot, I believe Trump will have several walkover states because even die hard Cruz guys will lose hope in their guy.
I can see Trump getting over 1300 delegates by the convention and that is being conservative.
After Belgium terrorist attack, I think the case for Trump is better than ever, because he makes the best case for protecting Americans by far of anyone in either party..
probably run by Rovio
“Megyn Kelly is probably behind it.”
One thing is as certain as the sun coming up in the morning. If Megyn Kelly starts her show with elections and not the terrorist attack, this new Faux Poll will be the BREAKING STORY! Charles Stirewalt and the other NR crew will of course be on hand to weigh in and saw the end of Trump is near.
She herself made the calls.