Ted has set a new world record for ascribing intentions to someone that is not supported by any evidence, other than it serves Ted's purposes. Trump will appoint liberal judges and we'll lose our 2nd amendment rights, and lose the SCOTUS for a generation, etc.
A man of sterling character does not continuously make stuff up out of thin air to disparage an opponent. Lies by any other word.
Cruz has become loathesome to me. His personality, his alliances, his desire to battle Trump on behalf of the establishment, he quirks, his smarm, his little thin-lipped smile, his squealy voice, they grate on me to no end.
I have been through the 5 stages of Cruz:
1. Adoration.
2. Leaning towards.
3. Questioning.
4. Disagreement.
5. Disgust.
Also, a conservative should not have to remind people every time they speak that they are a conservative. His life should reflect it so the words needn't be spoken.