Cruz, from Oct. 2015:
If you look at the Black Lives Matter movement, one of the most disturbing things is more than one of their protests have embraced rabid rhetoric, rabid anti-police language, literally suggesting and embracing and celebrating the murder of police officers, the Texas senator said. That is disgraceful.
Cruz, March 2016:
“Political discourse should occur in this country without a threat of violence....Responsibility for that lies with protesters who took violence into their own hands.”
Good quotes by Cruz. Unfortunately, he couldn’t help but use that climate of fear bullshit language of the left that is only used against right wingers. It is the same poo that GOPe and NRO have been slinging. If Trump weren’t in the race, a less ferocious shitstorm would be thrown at Cruz. So his cucking for the BLM losers is disgusting. It shows his pure opportunism.
Cruz, from Oct. 2015:
If you look at the Black Lives Matter movement, one of the most disturbing things is more than one of their protests have embraced rabid rhetoric, rabid anti-police language, literally suggesting and embracing and celebrating the murder of police officers, the Texas senator said. That is disgraceful.
Unless they go after Ted’s political opponents, then it is his adversaries fault.