So you disagree with Trump’s position on this last May? Fine. I didn’t agree with it either. So you must really be mad at St. Ted for being no better than your arch enemy Trump. Wasn’t Cruz supposed to be the true conservative? The antidote to Trump? Now you’re reduced to “You’re guy did it too” arguments.
Well if Cruz is as unconservative on this issue as Trump was last May, and if he’s revealed himself to be an opportunist who will abandon conservative principles for perceived political gain, then what’s the point in voting for him? The whole argument for Cruz over Trump is based on Cruz’s supposed unflailing commitment to conservative principles. Now that he’s revealed what an act that was, it’s no longer a decision between Trump, and St. Ted, but a choice between two flawed human beings. Are you willing base your decision on that truth? I doubt it.
A Cruz supporter attacking Trump’s position last May while defending Cruz’s position last night. The irony’s rich. So is the arrogance.
You couldn’t find a quote?