Duh! :o)
>>Have you been a victim of cultural cronyism?
In my life of 53 years, I’ve been told by companies twice that they could not accept my resume because they were looking for a minority or woman (I work in a STEM field). I’m sure that that very few blacks, women, or homosexuals of my age has never been explicitly told that.
Here comes polygamy and incestuous marriage, sooner than later.
When you can define words as anything you choose, words lose all meaning.
Why don’t they ‘define’ marriage as the union of one human and one dog or horse?
It can’t be far off.
The one he has to bite down on?
I was threatened by a co-worker for not printing gay wedding invitations. Thankfully, she didn’t have the power to fire me. The boss was a bit more understanding.
After one early error, I never again even hinted to anyone why they were not hired. It’s a shame too - I could have given good advice to many job seekers. Instead, when someone raised a red flag (gay, feminist, minority who thinks skin color matters, etc.), I smiled, expressed my approval, and made sure an even more positive interview continued from there. Then I didn’t hire them, usually because I had regretfully decided not to fill the position.