To: 2ndDivisionVet
Hopefully Cruz and Trump high-fived before telling Ryan that the best first step in a conservative agenda is to dump him as speaker
6 posted on
03/08/2016 1:16:59 AM PST by
Mount Athos
(A Giant luxury mega-mansion for Gore, a Government Green EcoShack made of poo for you)
To: Mount Athos
Could we get that lucky? It’s March already, when does this years bold conservatism start.. After summer recess?
8 posted on
03/08/2016 1:26:49 AM PST by
( The only exemptocrat who can win. Well played democrats. Mr single payer 2016 trump..)
To: Mount Athos
9 posted on
03/08/2016 1:27:23 AM PST by
(I refuse to feed the crocodile.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson