To: JoSixChip
That is a pretty wild charge you have there.
If it was true, you don't think that David Dewhurst would have used it in the Senate campaign where he got stomped?
239 posted on
03/06/2016 10:18:17 PM PST by
(Ted Cruz does not need the presidency - the presidency needs Ted Cruz)
To: Slyfox
If it was true, you don't think that David Dewhurst would have used it in the Senate campaign where he got stomped?
Jees, I feel like I need a shower just having posted to you.
240 posted on
03/06/2016 10:24:18 PM PST by
(Ted Cruz (R-Goldman Sachs) - He's creepy and he's kooky, mysterious and spooky) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson