How dare he not take trump’s side. Rush is obviously in bed with the GOPe and their donors. . . . Die Rush, DIE!!!!
Vote Trump!
There are 335,000 people on Drudge who are pretending that Donald won the debate. I don’t believe a single one of them. EVERYONE knows that Cruz kicked the crude one’s butt across the stage.
Beck is just an insane lunatic imbecile!
Sorry Rush, you’re no better that the Faux News “Moderators.” Sad to see you go out this way, supporting Fraudster Cruz! I guess you’re just another example of people we used to hold in high regard!
I guess Rush has dumped Marco FoamBoy for Cruz now.
Trump won it and has all the momentum. Some dont want to see it.
Rush is flipping around like a fish out of water. Take a position and stick with it man.
Ted Cruz won this debate handily. And the last one.
Take away the antics of Rubio and Trump and all that is left is Cruz.
IF one judges a debate by actual performance and substance vs. showmanship and name calling.
I don’t see Cruz as winning the debate. The idea that one wins by being unoffensive or not participating in brawls doesn’t mean they win. Kasich should be the nominee by those standards. I’ve always like Cruz but these debates are not effective in weakening Trump because they are so contrived. I saw people who are not Trump fans at all actually defending him after seeing how biased Fox News was once again. Also the idea that Trump has been constantly smeared as a racist hasn’t sat well with conservatives who have been on the receiving end of such character assassinations.
Cruz has one path to potential victory. He has to make sure Rubio loses Florida badly. The only way that this happens is if Cruz supporters vote Trump in Florida. Then Rubio will be forced out of the race. This gives Cruz a chance to compete in states like Ohio and collect more delegates. Winning debates isn’t going to stop Trump.
Cruz won. I suppose he’d like Rubio to get out but the truth is that Rubio probably draws as much from Trump as from Cruz, particularly in Florida. Cruz might be better off if Rubio stays in. If you want to know who Limbaugh is working for.
But I'll be honest about the debate. The way the cards are stacked, the best Trump can do is not lose. To us Trumpsters, not losing is a win for that reason.
Rubio didn't win that exchange. Trump is a hard worker, Rubio is not. Cruz pontificated. Listening to him is like going to a Debate Club tournament or attending the HS Senior play. He says stuff for effect and uses fake emotional crescendos. I can't imagine listening to that for four years.
But Kasich? He's backed off from the obvious attempts to steal the nomination, and assumes there's a path for him. He was quite articulate about his resume. FWIW, a lot of us OH folks don't much like him because he's a Democrat on many social issues and his "fantastic" OH budget has left local govs except in a few towns where corporate and private wealth are concentrated bled dry. That being said, Kasich handled the debate quite well, talking about his leadership attributes instead of obsessing about Trump's achievements.
I agree that Cruz won. Kasich had his best debate and did well also.
Trump easily won. Cruz came second.
I’ll give my impressions.
1. I am tired of John Kasich’s “shucks, I’m a good guy” routine and pretending to be above the fray. National Democrats are not like state-level Democrats — they don’t love their country or state. Nor do they have any interest in fixing problems. It’s not particularly useful to try to work with them; you have to overcome them. Evidence? Exhibit A -— George W was good at working with Democrats in Texas, but got crushed at the national level. Moreover, to sit by, and not criticize Trump is pathetic and wimpy.
2. Trump’s entire substance was: insults, defensiveness, lying, and distraction (look at my polls!) He committed fraud, uses illegals, and has a lifetime of supporting liberals. To anyone but his victims, he looked like a typical con man that has been caught.
3. Rubio did a fair job of pointing out what a scum bag liar Trump is, but really didn’t help his own cause.
4. Cruz also pointed out Trump’s failings, but primarily had something to offer: conservatism. He is a consistent conservative and a smart guy. I’d be proud to have him as my president.
Even if one concedes that, it is irrelevant. While Cruz rose to Megyn's bait, Megyn does not set the agenda for the American people. The American people do. Trump has tuned into the right frequency and no one else has.
If by win, he means ‘ate the most boogers’, then yes, Ted won.
Cruz sure is a well spoken liar.
I thought Kasich had a strong debate performance.