I hope so!
Destroy NAFTA and TPP!
More Bush destruction of the country. NAFTA was the baby of HW who started negotiations for it in 1990. He ran out of time to fast track it before his term ran out and then the Slickster ran with it, proving yet again that it really is just one big Uniparty.
Cannot do. No constitutional authority. It’s like the rest of what he says.
If you read “the art of the deal” this is what Donald Trump calls an opening position. It should be deliberately high so that when it gets watered down, you still look like a winner.
So if you are buying most of your manufactured goods from overseas...
And you rip up all your trade agreements...
Then what happens to the products the American people are using. And buying in the meantime?
Sounds like the ticket to massive respect short term shortages.