Sort of. I don't believe Roberts is normally a Liberal, but I think he happens to be a liberal in one particular manner that is not readily apparent. I direct you to my earlier comment above, but a summation of it is that Roberts desperately wants Obama to not be seen as a failed President and an Idiot, because the SYMBOL that Obama represents is very inspirational and encouraging to Black folk...
...but only if he is successful. He represents abject humiliation if Obama is seen as an idiot failure.
It would make the racists appear correct. They've said for years that a Black man is incapable of being the equal of whites, and Obama has just given them more evidence for their racist ideas.
Roberts is trying to do what he can to ameliorate the appearance that Obama is incompetent.
That's my theory, anyway.
The shame in all this was that Liberals were in such a hurry to promote a "Black" President, that they didn't bother to take the time to make sure they got someone who could do the job adequately.
They picked a mouthy, petulant, fool.
Well, I understand what you are saying, but I truly hope we don’t have someone that shallow on the high bench...But maybe we do...It’s a shame...
you make some interesting points. My theory is simpler but somewhat close to yours. With a 4/4 split in court I think Roberts thinks a tie should result in deference to the President. The problem I have with my own theory is that this SC has already ruled on the matter against the President. I would have thought that fact would Trump any so-called deference given to the President. In any event I think Roberts ruled the way he did based on some procedural rule he has made up now that the court is split 4/4. just an opinion.