I thought he said he wasn’t going to tomorrow’s debate - I didn’t hear him say he was suspending.
The email I got from his campaign says, “I do not see a political path forward in light of last evenings Super Tuesday primary results.”
Then there were four....
Three of whom are at loggerheads with each other and unable, individually to launch a successful drive to blunt the momentum that The Donald has built up.
I was sorry to see Gentle Ben gone, but he was as much a victim of his own campaign staff as any external circumstances.
The donations that came rolling in were used, primarily, to continue to expand the fundraising function, and only a little of it actually got into the campaign to the degree it was to spread and extend the message that Dr. Carson was trying to get to the public.
People, by and large, do not read websites. And there was not nearly the media exposure that other candidates pretty much took for granted.
He’s going to speak on Friday and probably suspend then. He says “no path forward”. Probably looking for deals with the other candidates for an endorsement.
Carson did not say HE was suspending.
I don’t know where Brietbart got the story.