ONE judge cannot rule against the people. This is the kind of thing obama has endorsed/sanctioned/encouraged, and this is the kind of thing that has to be stopped. This is the kind of thing for which I’d vote Trump or Cruz... the rest are so in the GOP tank, they will not fight.. and that lack of any hit back, is the reason Trump is so far in the lead. We cannot allow those refugees to settle in as our neighbors.. the gov has no record on them and they have no idea who they are. Nor does gov/obama care. He won’t be living with them.
The destruction that one man brought to our country, makes me angry every time I’m forced to recognize his lawless dictatorship and the impotent republican congress. Trump looks pretty good for the cleanup job.
Oh yes they do!
They are islamists! They belong to an organization with standing orders to murder and enslave US!
The US has been accepting refugees since the 1940s, long before Obama.
In the 1970s there was a large increase from SE Asia, including Vietnam, so Congress would revise the program with the Refugee Act of 1980.