If Cruz actually got something done in the Senate instead of just talking about it, maybe he could have gotten the endorsement.
Bingo! I’m so sick and tired of “I’ve led the fight” or “I’ve been fighting day and night” or “I’ll always be fighting” or “It was me who fought each and every day”..... Every person who ever got in the ring with Joe Louis “fought” but still got their butts kicked.
Unfortunately instead of doing what Cruz wanted, the Senate agreed with what Rubio and Trump publically advocated for, that illegals needed to stay here and be legalized.
Unlike you, I hold that against Rubio and Trump, not Cruz who was right on the issue by voting against the bill.
Cruz a freshman senator. He’s been fighting for us since he got there
While Cruz supporters will take offense to that statement, the shoe fits for the most part. Cruz is still in his first term and other than his good intentions, he doesn't have much of a senatorial record so far. He pretty much started running for president as soon as he got to Capitol Hill. It would have been nice if he had put more time into building a record of accomplishment to run on.
Of course, Trump will be in the same position himself if he gets elected and then doesn't accomplish anything once in the White House. But knowing Trump and his past history, does anybody think that is going to happen? With Trump, I think he is going to be rock and rolling from Day One. I don't expect there will be many boring days in a Trump Administration.
If I was Ted Cruz, I would consider the fact that I am still only 44 years old and will have plenty of other chances to run for president. If I can drop out of the race and throw my support behind Trump, I will likely obtain a large and prominent role in his Administration, putting myself in good position not only to share in the success but to make a case to be his successor in either 2020 or 2024.
“If Cruz actually got something done in the Senate instead of just talking about it, maybe he could have gotten the endorsement.”
By the same token, what has Sessions done extra in the same damn senate? It is hard to blame Cruz for “doing nothing” when he lead the fight against obola care and shut down the gubmint for a while. That was all he could have done. Rump has done diddly squat.
Oh, wait, Rump has given donations to Chuckie and others.
Let’s line up what any conservative senator has accomplished in the minority or the year of majority with McConnell at the lead. I’d like to understand what should have been done. What has Sessions or Lee done in this time period?
Well, Cruz did threw wrenches into the gears of the Sinate which is what I consider the greatest accomplishment possible. But I think this removes Cruz from the game in a week or so.