Is Marco letting his inner fag out?! Ooh, saucer of milk, girls, table 3!
In addition to all the many stories about his homo past all over the internet, his insulting "comic routine" here was humor at a junior high level, delivered in a very fruity manner.
For comparison, I just did a quick search on youtube for "gay comedian", and the very first entry that shows up for that youtube search is one called "Shawn Hollenbach: Gay Comedian". It's about a six minute clip so I watched it, and I have to tell you, that guy has mannerisms and looks just like Marco Rubio!
You can look at that clip yourself at this link, but I have to strongly warn you that the guy uses foul language like that Mexican ex-president, Vicente Fox (using the f-bomb), and perverted homo-humor, etc. It is pretty disgusting, but he does bear a strong resemblance to Marco Rubio (who is also disgusting and perverted).
One other thing I found while searching around on Google was this photo from the past, which may or may not have a bearing on Mitt Romney's current treachery.