If OBAMA stepped behind one side of the OZ CURTAIN and came out the opposite side he would be TRUMP.
If you read the tRump advocates postings you will see the similarities, HOPE & CHANGE without substance. They all shout Hallelujah I BELEIVE, I BELEIVE!!!
Obama’s Press would not talk about Obama’s Rev Wright, saying that was not THE OBAMA they know; and Trumps Advocates’ will not talk about TRUMP’S hypocrisies.... they say he is EVOLVING or that he didn’t, or could not have , meant what HE SAID.
His rationalizations on PLANNED PARENTHOOD stands out like an abortion in Philadelphia.
But everyone is entitled to opinion, except those who are perceived to disagree with Trump, they are accused of all sorts of calumnies and personal insults, even the women.
Guessing Pastor Jeffers open support for Trump in Texas today really hurts.
Hoping Pastor Jeffers will be a constant under the radar spiritual confidant for President Trump if he wins.
Paster Jeffers is very humble and would give very good counsel to hopeful future President Trump.