I would agree that if they have a proper warrant, they could be allowed to ask the manufacturer how to get in when it is an extreme case.
I don’t care if they waterboard Tim Cook - unlock the damn phone!
And if they don't, the military or CIA should feel free to steal whatever Apple does have.
It's war. You don't let the enemy have a weapons/comms system that you can't attack.
That would be insanity.
Yes, the devil is in the details, once you know them. I didn’t know how I thought about this until I learned that it’s not a simple matter of unlocking one phone, it’s creating a whole system which the government, and hackers, can use to spy on any of us.
My understanding is that the government already stores raw trunkline data. The metadata they wanted was a “look up table” with which to search, asssemble, and extract indivdual transmissions. If they had that for Mr. Farook’s conversations, why do they need the phone?
I’m not for throwing the exec’s in jail, but removing apple’s tax loopholes or cancelling contract’s would be an appropriate incentive. No more favorable status.
Apple is correct on this one. This an attempt by the socialist controlers to control us more.
I don’t see how the author could be shocked. Throughout history Americans have ceded power to the government because they thought it would only be used against “hhose” people.
I don’t understand this kerfuffle. Isn’t this a warrant situation?
From a related thread . . .
After finding the following comment by cyber-security expert John McAfee, I now disagree with Trumps stance against boycotting Apple. This is for the simple reason that McAfee has indicated that a 15 year old boy recently hacked the FBIs system.
The very FBI, McAfee charged, who says, we will protect this software and only use it on one phone, that agency was hacked by a 15-year-old boy just last week, who walked off with all the personnel records including, [of] undercover agents. - John McAfee.
If such is the case, then how can the FBI be trusted to keep an Apple key for the iPhone secure?
> I’m shocked that so many Americans are ignorantly willing to empower this federal government to create a master key to our smartphones.
The article begins with a lie.