Every so often, the local tax assessor wants to come in and "inspect"'my house (I have ignored every such request. They're free to raise my taxes based on whatever assumptions they'd like to make). If they find that I've made improvements, they will increase my property taxes. Why? Because I can afford to improve my property, and therefore I must have enough to give the government leeches "just a little bit more"?
What if I worked a second job, evenings and weekends, so that I could afford granite countertops, renovated bathrooms, and a swimming pool? By what right do these government bloodsuckers come around and take MORE of my money?
Is my house suddenly somehow costing the township more? How? What additional services am I getting? What additional costs is the township incurring because of these improvements?
You have increased the value of your asset so they suck a little more blood out.