Welcome to the edge. We’re about 10 miles from the state line off of 395 north. Home values should skyrocket. Of course the climb down to the beach may be a little challenging. Seems to me that there were a lot of inland seas in NV as well once upon a time. :>)
There were two ancient inland seas in northern America (if I recall accurately but the biggest went from the rockies to the west side of the Appalachians. Time periods ranged from the Ordovician, Devonian, Permian, through the Cambrian with some possibly Pennsylvanian (coal) thrown in.
I believe some of the Wyoming fossil rivers and basins were younger Cretaceous too, as well as Triassic and Juraissic in spots.
They found a dinosaur footprint about 3 blocks from my old apartment in northern Virginia and we found a dinosaur knuckle bone (Cretaceous) where the Fed-Ex Field is in nearby Maryland.
Ancient America must have been one of the most incredible sites for life in the world. Australia, though, had even weirder things who would make your swimming trips very dangerous.