This is why Hillary is the next president, israel gets bombed by Iran or the Saudis or both and the US gets nuked by Russia. A house divided can not stand. If Trump wins the next rigged election, there will be a civil war. The free stuff army left will revolt, the blood sucking republican bureaucracy will revolt and there will be a hot mess ten times worse than when GW Bush was elected.
“This is why Hillary is the next president”
Trump never had any intention of being elected president his intention all along was getting Hillary elected president.
Everyone simply chooses to ignore Trump’s own words from his book Art of the Deal, basically he says you ask for what you don’t want and settle for what you do want.
If Trump is asking to be president then he doesn’t really want to be president he wants someone else to be president.
Trumpsters will convince themselves somehow for the first time ever while making a deal, Trump is telling the truth he really wants to be president and when it doesn’t happen it wasn’t Trump’s intention all along to get Hillary elected it’s all the fault of the stay at home voters.