Donald Trump has been exclaiming, “The evangelicals love me and I love them.” Well folks, tonight that love affair paved his way to victory in the all-important South Carolina Primary. 72% of the voters in South Carolina Saturday night with evangelical.
BOOM. And what does that say about Ted Cruz.
Says more about evangelicals. They have given up, and thrown in with the most godless and immoral man on the republican side
What does it say about Ted Cruz? Well who knows? Cruz took about a third of the Evangelical vote, only slightly less than Trump. So, it shows that Evangelicals, as do other groups, have more than one thing on their mind and on their list of things they seek in a candidate.
Evangelicals may have been “duped” in the past, but that doesn’t mean they are stupid. They have had to make do with compromise candidates for a long time. Cruz was pummeled in South Carolina by what I view as false shouts of “Liar!” Rubio garnered the endorsement of the present Governor and most of the GOP establishment. Trump’s Trump. That under those circumstances there was a division of the Evangelical vote, should not be a surprise. It certainly doesn’t mean Evangelicals don’t like either Rubio or Cruz, nor does it mean that Evangelicals might not coalesce around either of them if one or the other garners the nomination.
It might simply be that Trump has an appeal to Evangelicals that transcends their personal religious agendas, or that they see that he might further their agendas or at least not hinder their religion. Trump has an appeal which I certainly understand. It does, indeed, transcend frustration, anger, religion and social standing.
Nonetheless, I Stand With Ted.
It is one thing for a candidate to proclaim faith, it is untoward for that candidate to believe that he is God’s selected candidate and have religious ecstasies on stage during a campaign.
it says that the people they are calling evangelicals are not
it says that: If you support an adulterer who brags about his sexual exploits, uses profane language in public, donated millions to democrat campaigns, defends planned parenthood and has a hot wife who poses for lesbian soft porn, and then claim you are a Christian...well, you’re most likely NOT.