I laugh at all these morons who have such phones...I just had to look at my flip phnoe to see who made it....I pay 13 dollars a month for the thing to text(which I rarely use besides typing “K” or I’ll be right there) OH by the way I only pay 34.99 for this 30 mbps connection....no cable and I own my own modem.....get the muzzies out and close all mosques in America...Islam IS NOT a religion . Nothing but a subhuman theocracy....I will state what I have always said: fk Islam and anyone who supports it. .....all comments welcome.
Forgot to say I get to use it as aphone ...the reason we have them....still 13 dollars a month for like 3000 minutes ...by the way Fk Islam......have a nice day!
Is Viacom the provider for your
30 mbps connection.
I only pay 34.99 for this 30 mbps connection....no cable and I own my own modem....
Thanks Dave