It's from both sides.
Barring some anti miracle, sooner than later, one of the two, Trump or Cruz will win this thing, we will see tonight when the vote is done.
Trump has some good points on the trade issue, I think he will change the direction of the economy back towards the free market.
I'm not giving up yet, none of us should. I'm just hoping Marco doesn't gain from all this, and I'm really giddy that no other GOPe candidate has any traction.
The rebellion is winning, but I do think we need to stop the scorched earth stuff.
hard to stop that scorched earth stuff when people just wont listen!
Really? You mean like slamming big oil and big pharma and big health as the culprits of Obama Care? As in wanting a mandate? As in punishing Ford or Carrier instead of incentivizing them to stay? As in the fact he's never uttered the phrase "limited government" in his entire life? As in favoring ethanol? As in calling the lawyers every time he doesn't get his way?
Outside of strip clubs and casinos and rent controlled apartments and golf developments, all of which were done with skid greasing of politicians, where the heck do you get this great free market stuff? It's not consistent with his history.