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Trump asks voters to boycott Apple: 'I think that's a great idea'
Washington Examiner ^
| 19 Feb 16
Posted on 02/19/2016 12:56:20 PM PST by big'ol_freeper
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To: big'ol_freeper
Just the ‘real’ Donald supporting big government vs. the privacy of Americans. Nothing new here at all. He will always side with the government in matters like this. Bank on it.
posted on
02/19/2016 1:05:43 PM PST
(The only good commie is a dead commie)
To: bigbob
This case is the nose in the tent; that is something Apple understands. They have been dealing with these requests and fighting them for years now. Once it is allowed in some cases, which future cases it is re-applied on are purely subjective.
Kind of like 503(c) applications are at the IRS.
To: big'ol_freeper
So, you drop Ford for building a plant in Mexico, and Nabisco for the same.
Apple won’t put in a backdoor that will be exploited by anybody who figures it out, and Trump is telling us to go with a Korean or other non-American company.
There’s a time for boycotts, but they should be used sparingly, consistently and strategically.
posted on
02/19/2016 1:06:08 PM PST
Dr. Sivana
(There is no salvation in politics)
To: big'ol_freeper
posted on
02/19/2016 1:06:18 PM PST
(Live free or die!)
To: dfwgator
If he’s elected he won’t ask the people to boycott Apple. He’ll just executive order an undue tax burden on Apple until they do what he wants them to do.
posted on
02/19/2016 1:06:48 PM PST
(America needs forgiveness from God..... even if Donald Trump doesn't)
To: NewHampshireDuo
RE: Ditto. Heâs not a deep thinker
No, he’s not. I don’t trust him to really care about the bill of rights.
posted on
02/19/2016 1:07:45 PM PST
(Trump: "Planned Parenthood does wonderful things")
To: big'ol_freeper
posted on
02/19/2016 1:09:15 PM PST
(Republicans get in trouble when not living up to their principles. Democrats... when they do.)
To: stanne
To demonstrate it possible would show that their systems are not yet bullet proof, given a sufficient bullet.
They are caught between the libertarian set, and the securitarian set, so to speak.
If I were Apple? I would issue a pro-active apology to the user community, saying that nothing short of such sheer warfare (which it is) could justify their involvement without the normal legal scrutiny, but this crosses the line — and then do it.
posted on
02/19/2016 1:09:45 PM PST
HiTech RedNeck
(Embrace the Lion of Judah and He will roar for you and teach you to roar too. See my page.)
To: VanDeKoik
Exactly. This situation is simply being used like a school shooting would be against gun rights. And Trump is apparently falling for it.
To: HiTech RedNeck
I think a lot of apprehension here is that this is Obamaâs government. If this were Bush, or even more so Reagan, I think there would be a lot more leeway granted.
No dice. These issues have been up since the beginning, and conseravtives in IT NEVER liked the government having the keys.
Whether it was strong encryption classified as a munition, Intel 80486 chips with unique IDs, carnivore, we were against it without regard for the the occupant of the White House.
Only exception I can think of is some hardcoded output on paper from high end color laser printers to prevent counterfeiting. Most of us found the restriction/security ratio acceptable for that.
posted on
02/19/2016 1:10:09 PM PST
Dr. Sivana
(There is no salvation in politics)
To: big'ol_freeper
"We gotta get to the bottom of it, but we're not going to get to the bottom of it unless we use common sense," Trump said.Reading and understanding the issues before mouthing off could be really helpful, too.
posted on
02/19/2016 1:10:31 PM PST
(Republicans get in trouble when not living up to their principles. Democrats... when they do.)
To: HiTech RedNeck
Anyone who doesn’t think this was war is addicted to something
posted on
02/19/2016 1:12:04 PM PST
To: big'ol_freeper
Trump is what happens when the “rights conscious” crowd does a near complete whiff at the plate.
That crowd has only their fecklessness to thank. They might not have said so, but they need God and they have been dismissing Him. So a philistine like Trump becomes an uncomfortably plausible ruler.
posted on
02/19/2016 1:12:07 PM PST
HiTech RedNeck
(Embrace the Lion of Judah and He will roar for you and teach you to roar too. See my page.)
To: big'ol_freeper
I honestly think Trump is trying to see outrageous he can be and still get 30% of the country to vote for him. His entire campaign is one giant troll job on American people.
â@EWErickson 13m13 minutes ago
Donald Trump wants a boycott of one of the most success American companies in history because the company takes the Bill of Rights seriously
To: Dr. Sivana
This is not government having the keys, this is Apple using its own proprietary knowledge.
posted on
02/19/2016 1:13:06 PM PST
HiTech RedNeck
(Embrace the Lion of Judah and He will roar for you and teach you to roar too. See my page.)
To: stanne
I can’t understand how the US government can’t figure out how to hack that phone. I bet someone is Russia could do it.
To: VanDeKoik
i believe cruz is in favor of apple decoding and sending the information to the fbi...
not allowing the fbi the unfettered access code.
that is what i have heard.
posted on
02/19/2016 1:13:50 PM PST
(Armageddon won't be pretty, but it's not like it's the end of the world.)
To: XenaLee
Just the 'real' Donald supporting big government vs. the privacy of Americans. Nothing new here at all. He will always side with the government in matters like this. Bank on it."
Ted Cruz Says Apple Needs to Comply With the Court Order on Encrpytion, It's All Constitutional
To: stanne
And this is the problem. We start coddling war, and our rights really WILL evaporate. There won’t be anything with integrity to HAVE rights.
posted on
02/19/2016 1:14:33 PM PST
HiTech RedNeck
(Embrace the Lion of Judah and He will roar for you and teach you to roar too. See my page.)
To: pgyanke
I agree. But tRump has no interest in doing that.
posted on
02/19/2016 1:14:56 PM PST
(Trump: "Planned Parenthood does wonderful things")
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