Because businesses always pay the taxes out of their profits, not consumers in the form of higher prices.
we do want to vote to protect American industry from unfair competition from foreign countries
Uh huh. And government is just the entity to get that done. Conservatives advocating for crony capitalism. Amazing.
So the U.S. having customs is "marxism"?
Stop equating Chinese businesses with American. We absolutely want to raise the price of Chinese goods through punitive tariffs. Raise costs to consumers? You bet, that's the whole point, genius.
No one is forcing you to buy those products. You can always buy from your countrymen....but a guy like doesn't really have one, do you?
Just a little island...wafting through Life in a pristine little bubble, always keen to find the next scam, the next hustle...Loyal to no one, and none to you.
Isn't that it, bunky? You just don't fit. Never did. All those people around ya...objects. Inscrutable. Why don't they leave you alone, so you can search the world for a cheaper pair of shoes? If only they would let you live, all by your lonesome. But of course you require them to stand an Army up to defend your isolation. You require them to erect and maintain a system of property to keep you in Splendid Isolation. And a system of education so you can obtain all these values and insights. And of course property rights so you - individually, personally - can mine the ore (no one else of course, just you), smelt the steel, and build the car...that someone else invented.
Yup, you're all alone: Just Economic Unit No. 136. No connection to anyone, anything...except when you need to eat, sleep, breed...then we all gotta pitch in to create the infrastructure around you to achieve this wondrous goal of your Splendid Life.
You know, since we all don't meet your expectations along these lines, you could move where the Stuff is Cheep: China or Mexico or Bangladesh.
I'm sure they'll take you in with open arms.